Setup Airtable

You will need a free Airtable account. Go ahead and set that up first unless you already have one. Then these are the next steps:

  • Create the Museum Base
  • Import the Museum file to create it
  • Copy your API ID and APP ID

Create the Museum Base

Log into your Airtable account. In your dashboard:

  1. Click 'Add a base'
  2. Click 'Import a spreadsheet'
  3. Click 'Choose a .CSV file'
  4. Upload the file 'WP_Museum_for_airtable.csv'

This will import the data file and create the base. Rename the base from 'Imported Base' to Museum, or anything, the name doesn't matter.

Click the Museum base to open it, and see the columns and rows of data. The 'images' column on the far right, it is where you will upload images. But first you need to change the field type:

  1. Click on the 'images' tiny down arrow, and select 'Customize field type'
  2. Click the next down arrow, and choose 'Attachment'
  3. Click 'Save'

Next, to add the photos, drag and drop them one by one from the 'images' folder in your computer into the 'images' column. Some museum items have multiple images; see that they are named by the category name in the 2nd column, in order. Don't worry about getting the images correct, this database is just your demo.

Generate an API ID

You have one API ID for your Airtable account, and one APP ID for each base. In the browswer on the top right header, click the blue user head icon, then Account dropdown. Click “Generate API key”. (If you already generated the API key, just click on the spot to reveal it.) It will be spelled ‘keyxxxxxxxx’ where the x's are scrambled stuff. You will need that later.

Get the APP ID

Each base in your account has a unique APP ID. They don’t make it so easy to find the APP ID, and the way to find it may change again, but try this. Start back in your Dashboard by clicking the Airtable home icon on the top left. Click the blue head icon again to go back to your account. See the text:

This is your personal API key. It’s required in order to use the Airtable API.

Click that 'Airtable API' link. On the next page 'Standard Api', find your new Museum base, and click. The third paragraph should say:

The ID of this base is appxxxxxxxx.

Copy that for later too.

Next: ➡ Setup Wordpress