Airtable Gallery

Airtable Gallery

This web application is a dashboard or view of a small Airtable database called Art Gallery. Art Gallery is a built-in sample with only two tables. One table has a list of artists, their biographies, several photos of their work, and their genres. A second table groups the artists into collections of art movements.


  • List of artists by name
  • List of artists by genre
  • List of artists by collection
  • Artist info displayed when name clicked
  • Artwork thumbnails can be expanded
  • A random artist is selected on reload
  • Updates to the Airtable database appear on reload
  • Caching of Airtable data can be enabled


  • The dashboard is read-only, Airtable is used for data entry
  • More artist info could be added to this sample database

Technical Features

  • Python 3.6
  • Flask Microframework with Jinja2 templates
  • Bulma CSS Framework
  • Zeptojs JQuery replacement
  • Virtual environment for Python
  • Python Airtable wrapper library

A python library airtable-python-wrapper by gtalarico on is used to access the Airtable API. The Gallery app doesn't do anything fancy with the API, just reads the two tables into memory, and from there uses python to manipulate the data for display.

Live view

You can demo the dashboard at my site on the PythonAnyhere host, here.

Installation on Localhost


You can download and run the code on your computer. You will need:

  • Python3 already installed
  • git if you are cloning
  • The code is available from Github.
  • Your own Airtable account.

Airtable Account

In a previous project, I listed the steps to create a free Airtable account, and make a copy of the Art Gallery database. The steps are here.

Download Code

Go to Github and either download the zipfile or clone the repo.

The zipfile will be Unzip the file, and a new subdirectory 'airtable_gallery-master' will be created.

Virtual Environment

Create a virtual environment and install the packages. A python virtual environment is always recommended. Refer to the Virtual Environment snippet. Open a shell on the localhost to run these commands.

cd airtable_gallery-master
mkvirtualenv --python=/usr/local/bin/python3 airtable_gallery

# Install the libraries in requirements.txt
# In virtualenv, pip will be aliased to pip3, but just in case you have
# multiple pips in global path:

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Running the app

Make sure to replace the App and Api keys with your own. If you are not using a mkvirtualenv virtual environment, exclude the 'workon' statement.

cd ~/titan/airtable_gallery
workon airtable_gallery
export FLASK_APP=app/
export FLASK_DEBUG=true
export WHERE_RUNNING=localhost
flask run -p 9000


Point your browser to